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and Publications

This is where you will find some of my recent conference abstracts and links to recent publications.

November 2024

International Journal of Education Through Art - Volume 20, Issue 3, 2024


August 2024

HDR Conference

Empathic Worlding and material Entanglements


This presentation speaks to some off the emergent data from the doctoral study ‘Contemporary art making: an affordance of empathic concern for boys.’ Year 8 boys, aged 13-14 years who studied mandatory visual arts (No. 13) were invited to participate in a 10 week Critical Participatory Arts Based Research (CPABR) embracing their learning. It asks: How is empathy performed and communicated individually and between boys in the visual arts classroom? Studio learning has emerged as a contemporary bridge between the entangled learner and their ‘becomings’ in the physical and virtual worlds. This presentation speaks to emergent finding and draws on Haraways’ ideas of sympoiesis and worlding across the materialised physical and virtual spaces in visual arts learning. This session involves a participatory art workshop activity as part of the presentation process.


July 2024

‘Making with’: contemporary studio entanglements and the development of empathy in boys

The world is still grappling with the aftermath of devasting effects of pandemics and lockdowns, all while facing urgent climate change emergencies, ongoing conflicts, and political instability. Amidst these global challenges there is growing concern in Australia about the declining empathy observed in boys. Parents, educators and the wider community are increasingly troubled by this trend, and recognise that meaningful connections between adolescent boys and the world at large is essential for the development of empathy. The doctoral study ‘Contemporary art making: an affordance of empathic concern for boys’, Year 8 boys, aged 13-14 years who studied mandatory visual arts (No. 13) and were invited to participate in a 10 week Critical Participatory Arts Based Research (CPABR) embracing their learning.  It asks: How is empathy performed and communicated individually and between boys in the visual arts classroom? Studio learning has emerged as a contemporary bridge between the entangled learner and their ‘becomings’ in the physical and virtual worlds. This presentation speaks to emergent finding and draws on Haraways’ ideas of ‘making with’ across the materialised physical and virtual spaces in visual arts learning. It considers ‘sympoiesis’: a relationship between the boys’ artistic studio learning recognising the entanglements and the co-agency of materials and participants in the production of meaning. The presentation reports on the boys’ art making process, both, physical and virtual (digital) and their reflective use of visual diaries. The findings suggest a shift in the empathic position of the boys revealing how the studio art making processes may inform empathic knowing. 

June 2024

Book Chapter: “You’re Muted”:
Performance, Precarity, and the Logic of Zoom
Bloomsbury: NY
Chapter 7 'The Zoom Machinic in Postdigital Learning Ecologies:
An Exploration of Educators' Experiences via Three Case Studies' 

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